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Join Our Directory

Join us on our mission to provide resources, non-medical care, and compassionate support to the dying, their family and friends. Register now to join the ever-growing community of End-of-Life Doulas and related professionals who are shifting the narrative of end-of-life care and culture. Directory registration is open to end of life doulas who live in Florida at least part of the year and have completed EOLD training.

Register for the Directory!
Annual Fee: $50 (see "Checkout")

Your listing with the Florida End-of-Life Doula Alliance (renewed annually) guarantees your inclusion in our NEW directory for doulas and related service professionals. Florida residents searching for end-of-life support can easily find and connect with you! By joining, you'll also stay informed about our ongoing activities. These include educational meetings and resources, outreach programs, and networking opportunities with fellow doulas and end-of-life professionals across the state.

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