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Florida End-of-Life Doula Alliance
The Florida End-of-Life Doula Alliance (FEOLDA) is a statewide organization providing support and education around
death, dying, bereavement, and related topics.
Our goal is to connect people in need with those who can help.

"I thought the earth remembered me, she took me back
so tenderly, arranging her dark skirts, her
pockets full of lichens and seeds."
Mary Oliver - "Sleeping in the Forest," published in Twelve Moons
End-of-Life Doulas Provide...
Practical, Emotional, and Spiritual Support
Advance Care Planning and Legacy Work
Education for Clients, Friends, and Family
Space to Honor Beliefs and Cultures
Advocacy for Clients' Wishes
Early Intervention for Better Outcomes
Communication About Resources
Grief Support and Education
Rituals and Ceremonies
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